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Showing posts with label self-hype. Show all posts
Showing posts with label self-hype. Show all posts

Saturday, January 22, 2011

The Daily News Poem is One Year Old and Looks as Ugly as its Dad

I want to allocate more writing time to other projects, but I enjoy writing the daily News Poem. I hope that it defrags your mental hard drive as much as it does mine. Exploring the news through poetry has become a way for me to examine my own prejudices and false consciousness, because poetry is the core of my being and news is something grafted on to that like some prosthetic. It's a meta-narrative that probes for vulnerable parts of one's psyche and exploits them for the sake of its wielder. Personally, I'm stunned how much bullshit I accepted--if only because new bullshit is predicated upon old bullshit. So for me, the news poem serves as an anti-Medusa mirror or a laser-pen I can shine at the black helicopters. So I'll see how long I can sustain this. Running Toylit is enervating. Not just the writing, but also the promotions and associated performance art. It's probably not worth all this effort, but I'm a writer which means that I already don't have a practical bent of mind.

In short, buy my book and nominate me for a Shorty Award:

Buy the Q1/Q2 2010 Report right now:

You can get it as an E-Book at Amazon as well

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Thursday, November 25, 2010

Friday, November 05, 2010

Bonus Poem Challenge

It's simple: if a few of you 'demonstrate' interest in my sponsors then I'll post an old, unpublished poem. This is a daily offer, good for about a week or so, unless there's no interest--in which case you & I will just pretend it never happened.

As a side note, I'll try to get some electronic edition of the Q1/Q2 report ready to go in the next few days.

Buy the Q1/Q2 2010 Report right now:
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Maybe Cory Doctorow Will Take Some of the Stink Off Self-Publishing

I wish I liked his writing as much as I like his thoughts on writing. Then again, I've probably read the wrong compositions, because people insist I _should_ be a fan of his:

TL;DR? Want summary?
1) Uses Lulu.
2) Gives away most writing. Some will be fans and buy anyhow.
3) Uses social networking to promote sales, build awareness, and edit his book.
4) Accepts commissions and other assorted revenue opportunities.

Maybe people will stop thinking self-publishing is only for clowns.

Well, I might be a clown, but let me be a tragic one with a wee bit of nobility...

Not the sort that sells burgers.

On that note, buy my book!

Buy the Q1/Q2 2010 Report right now:

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Saturday, October 02, 2010

You Know You Love Toylit: Go Tell a Friend

I've been at this for 2/3s of a year. You core readers have been great; I've learned lots from what gets you to read more & what annoys you. I'd like for you to help me out again; get a couple of literary or news minded friends to check out Toylit. I truly consider you guys genuine tastemakers; I mean, you've stuck around Toylit despite the dearth of recommendations for it. I promise I'll keep trying to bring you a satisfactory, daily, anti-news reading experience. I just need a reminder it's not all in vain. Thanks.


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