The Monarch Reports Record Financial Profitability
and Strong Asset Growth. Why the fuck aren't I?!?
The Monarch is a paedophile:
any Royal with that level of connection
with children should be castrated
or sleep like Michael Jackson.
It doesn't stop there.
The Monarch assembles all subjects
in an arena with wild animals.
Beria, Michael Jackson, Roman Polanski and Muhammad
wave to the sold out crowd.
The 25 lesbo fans are booing!
Sappho climbs the mountains of 70,000 corpses.
she screams "lying, lying, lying.
mountains of Strong Asset Reports!!
I wanna FOLLOW interesting peeps!!
I wanna have summer Forever.
and you Sickest Kids wave to the sold out crowd
in an arena with wild animals and you Sickest Kids
want us to be happy for you?
you should be branded and welded together
and buried under a sea of corpses.
and the beautiful children will Play music
Forever in love summer."
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