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Saturday, April 24, 2010

Satan! Bring Me Dinner! [Twitter Found Poem, April 24, 2010]

Satan! Bring Me Dinner! [Twitter Found Poem, April 24, 2010]

Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
Re: mousewords MonsieurObscure shyposter1 NatchanFoto Julezmc55 AnAmPatriot toyathestar _heyitsgunnar_ Loreinna __bombSHELL iammsparker ezstreet JJKingpin freddiebtv Our_Voices JDior_ padarnalat n0tt000bs3ss3d LilMissToni26 MissingMimi

“i would die for you!!”
Not to be too cynical, but I think it's all spin & BS...
Oh well- I intend to make full use of it!
Armed with knowledge, all I need now is an executable plan.

#instantturnons U LOVE TO COOK...
#lovingyou has been a sweet dream & a beautiful nightmare
because you can cook only one meal time?
Like breakfast only?
don't Lol At me
i would live for SATAN
but i would die for you!!
you!! make me WANT
to die because of you!!
ALL I WANT is some goddamn BBQ!!
fuck breakfast
I can cook my Own fucking eggs!!
i would sell my soul for some fucking dinner !

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Cock of Love [Yesterday's News Poem, April 23, 2010]

Cock of Love [News Poem, April 23, 2010]
(Alternate Title: "Dickhead")

“Bret Michaels is in critical condition suffering from a brain hemorrhage, his publicist said Friday... Before joining "The Celebrity Apprentice," Michaels starred as the lothario on VH1's lusty reality dating series "Rock of Love" from 2007 to 2009. For three seasons, Michaels searched for the women of his dreams amid a sea of implants, tattoos and thongs. ”
– DERRIK J. LANG (AP) – 1 hour ago, as of Midnight, PST, April 24, 2010

Thank God it's just your brain stem—not your dick
That broke or else you'd have to get a job.
A first-aid dummy lying slack—the trick
Is focus on the ceiling crack as sobs
Of life expel from lips that tasted cunts
That ought to stone a man like me with lust—
And yet I am repelled by whorish stunts
That threaten cocks of steel with VD rust.
So keep your implants, tats, and thongs away
From me; I'll save my dick from everything
That leaks, secretes, or otherwise displays
The signs of gooey life—my piss don't sting,
I'm living well despite my raving dong—
You should have sheathed your dick and wrote some songs.

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