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Showing posts with label Celebrity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Celebrity. Show all posts

Friday, October 15, 2010

Darkiness Falls and the Stars Arrive [#twitterfoundpoem, October 15, 2010]

Darkiness Falls and the Stars Arrive [#twitterfoundpoem, October 15, 2010]

I can't find anything
I'm looking for in cyberspace.....
The mind reels at the potentiality
in cyberspace.....
find Endless probabilities
of happiness.....

can't connect?!?! stupid internet is stupid.....
Except for Bert and Ernie,
how many ugly celebrities modify their assholes
with a stupid haircut?????
People used to say I looked
like the drummer from Green Day:
I was an ugly asshole with a stupid haircut.
Bert and Ernie kissing ugly assholes
[their ugly assholes] off camera. I'm looking
for anything in cyberspace.
The mind reels at the potentiality of Bert and Ernie,
the drummer from Green Day,
and ugly celebrities looking for happiness,
as darkiness falls, & stars arrive
on New Celeb-Tracking Site.

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Saturday, August 14, 2010

Glorious Humiliation [Today's News Poem, August 14, 2010]

Glorious Humiliation [Today's News Poem, August 14, 2010]

It's tragic that fame is denied to the needy,
Who need it like butter or insulin doses.
They lay on the dishes and crumbs on their bedding
And talk to their teevees, their dogs; to the ceilings
That smile—just a crack—while the mysteries crackle
On speakers and screens. There's an orphan on crutches;
Diseased, she has patrons who watch from a distance
By camera—they fear her contagion and money
By wire should relieve her worst symptoms—and millions
Of people are watching her limp and they're cheering.
So buck up, there's someone who's worse-off than losers
Like you; so just hide in your blankets and order
A pizza and cry in your pillow; for someday
They'll broadcast your filth to the world and they'll shower
Upon you that glorious pity you wanted.

“"And here (Europe) they're not obsessed with age and weight. Here actresses can work for many years. In America you can be a great actress and have no work by the time you're 40. This is a tragedy, so I don't want to live this tragedy."”
– Daily Dish,, August 13, 2010

“Few things would say "the beaches are back" like President Obama tearing off his shirt and running into the surf at Panama City, Fla., during a brief vacation swing to the oil-spill-harassed Gulf Coast Saturday. ”
– Patrik Jonsson, The Christian Science Monitor, August 14, 2010

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