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Showing posts with label police. Show all posts
Showing posts with label police. Show all posts

Friday, February 08, 2013

The First Stone [Week's News Poem, February 8, 2013]

The First Stone [Week's News Poem by Khakjaan Wessington, February 8, 2013]

American Football ballistics resemble actual:
there for the spin in accuracy at its greatest.
When the Forty Niners lost Superbowl Forty Seven,
there was no warning. There were no orders. No commands.
Just ballistics and an open fire.
Watch the ball and you'll see that the game is retaliation,
scapegoating, formation, disguised mob.

“The two women who were mistakenly shot by LAPD officers searching for triple murder suspect Christopher Dorner Thursday said they had no warning beforehand, the victims' lawyer told CBS Los Angeles. Attorney Glen Jonas said Maggie Carranza, 47, and her mother, 71-year-old Emma Hernandez, were delivering Los Angeles Times newspapers around 5:15 a.m. in Torrance when the officers opened fire on their vehicle. Jonas said, "There was no warning. There were no orders. No commands. Just gunshots."”
—CBS News, February 8, 2013, 10:25 AM

“In 8/07 I reported an officer (Ofcr. Teresa Evans/now a Sergeant), for kicking a suspect (excessive force) during a Use of Force while I was assigned as a patrol officer at LAPD’s Harbor Division. While cuffing the suspect, (Christopher Gettler), Evans kicked the suspect twice in the chest and once in the face. The kick to the face left a visible injury on the left cheek below the eye. Unfortunately after reporting it to supervisors and investigated by PSB (internal affairs investigator Det. Villanueva/Gallegos), nothing was done. I had broken their supposed “Blue Line”. Unfortunately, It’s not JUST US, it’s JUSTICE!!! In fact, 10 months later on 6/25/08, after already successfully completing probation, acquiring a basic Post Certificate, and Intermediate Post Certificate, I was relieved of duty by the LAPD while assigned to patrol at Southwest division. It is clear as day that the department retaliated toward me for reporting Evans for kicking Mr. Christopher Gettler.”
—Christopher Dorner's Manifesto

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

A few more minutes until your 365th day of news poems

It has been a year that started off with iambs, switched to trochees, fell into iambs & pyrrhics before committing deeply to anapests and dactyls. Oh and some horrible shit happened, but you already read about it in all the news in witty print... no? See that crazy looking baby on your right? That's called a memory brick. If you buy it, a big brick of paper will help jar not only your memories of 2010, but also your emotions. Poetry's a mnemonic device that encodes more than phonemes, symbols and rhythms... uh, did I say poetry? I meant to say memory brick. Buy your own today!

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Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Thanks For the Ride [Bonus Twitter Found Poem, May 11, 2010]

Thanks For the Ride [Bonus Twitter Found Poem, May 11, 2010]

I can't believe I actually found taking my thumbprints fun
And the toilet water was delicious!!!!!
taking a ride with you Gorillas
having my arm broken And being
covered in blood... Wow that was the most
fun I had in my life.
please don't Soak me again.
I Want to keep my thumbprints please.
I like to breathe.
I survived to be friends with you.
Please keep friends like me
around just in case hell grades on a curve.

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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Happy Alderaan Day Earthlings! [Twitter Found Poem, April 21, 2010]

Happy Alderaan Day Earthlings! [Twitter Found Poem, April 21, 2010]

Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
Re: @DaDa509 @killerma @GinaBean221 @SayJumner @carriefan1024 @leahlimps @ginerously @vibrotronica @NickKrammes @OrganicGuru @FishieMuses @hypermarvs @Miraculousjw @AkiyamaMio @saucefonda @dees_the_guy @goaTcHoKer138 @FamousasiwannaB @KillaMessiah @BigHotChocolate @JasJazzy @tiandjuaeni @diochariot @yaratabrani @mj4justice @JamesRyanJ @geologist @Estrella_Mas @MBywalec @Sha_lee_sah @ItsBlottoBitch @jordandaley @UltraFacts @blanquirosa @amitseshan @BigJohn908 @mylesbarr

at night time i am ultra mega scared of THE EARTH...
Will @DarthVader celebrate ultra mega Earth Day
like he did Alderaan Day?
explode THE EARTH?

you Gonna tell me I can't handle "HAPPY
EARTH DAY" knuckle head Earthlings! ?
i am scared of ghosts, small children and kittens
& i am ultra mega scared of THE EARTH
explode like Alderaan Day.

I can always depend on luck tomorrow
today i need to hide.
depend on luck today ! ?
this is A big sacrifice !

I always knew this day would come
the earths magnetic field energy
inspires more evil or insane
secret party skank police, S.W.A.T. , and the gang
wishing you HAPPY Alderaan Day Earthlings!
u was jail but I'll let the ppl k ow now

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