you can't pass judgment on me My child.
you don't enjoy a good competition.
you haven't even walked up to Heaven's Gate.
You dislike cult mentality?
a cult is a group that is really,really dedicated to a person.
World Cup is not a cult.
Apparantly We are in the middle of hell.
hell people are degenerate workers.
work work jerks.
World Cup philosophers are degenerate drunks,
but hell people don't even drink coffee.
you avoid sports not only because
you Fear a good competition,
you Fear The Reaper even though
you have TRAPPED us with you
in the middle of hell.
You dislike cult mentality?
you are the cult OF BOREDOM!
you are the cult OF work work jerks
who Fear The Reaper
and have TRAPPED
philosopher Hooligans.
and you says
"don't pass judgment on it?"
if it wasnt for The World Cup
religion and the police system,
philosopher Hooligans
woulda murdered you people by now.
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