The rainbow's expensive and nature's a thief:
We've waited too long, for these colors—too brief.
And afterward, simply another life-score.
And framing these moments, a nightmare of bores:
Mosaics of stone—a whole mountain of rock
They've blasted and mixed and then poured into blocks.
And even the lights are ephemeral hues.
The march of the crowd with their clown-colored shoes,
And billboards—and pigeons; a yellow balloon...
And pace! And the next one—the next one is soon!
And mixed-up together, the concrete cements
The elements tightly, to single intent.
“Although private hiring was well below levels needed to bring down unemployment on a sustained basis, analysts said the report from the Labor Department on Friday was not consistent with an economy on the brink of another recession.”
– Lucia Mutikani, Reuters, July 2, 2010
“All that the world most needs to-day, is combined in the most seductive manner
in his art,—the three great stimulants of exhausted people: _brutality_,
_artificiality_ and _innocence_ (idiocy).”
– Friedrich Nietzsche, The Case of Wagner, Page 16
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