Guilty Until Proven GuiltyBy Khakjaan Wessington
“... the Justice Department on Friday began considering sites for the trial of Khalid Shaikh Mohammed and four other top Al Qaeda operatives away from the shadow of the toppled World Trade Center.
The alternative locations include an Air National Guard base and a federal penitentiary near Manhattan, both considered safe and secure facilities.”
LA TimesWhen types of values clash, the goals that vie
Against another seldom merge: to try
A man
Who seeks to die a martyr—
Beyond the rage of mobs—
When 'Justice' cannot barter
With juries lacking jobs;
To orchestrate a trial of grudges:
It looks the same as Imam-judges.
Our own
Hypocrisy: a mirror
Where enemies appear
To speak in tones much clearer
Than courtroom atmospheres.

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