Selected News Poems from Jan 22, 2010 through July 22, 2010. 119 pages w/ 110 poems.
Rutherford Toady did the artwork and it's pretty damned good. Don't believe me? Here's the cover:
I edited most of the poems: sometimes they needed punctuation changes, sometimes the final couplet was terrible--but of course sometimes the poems came out perfectly and needed no revision. 110 poems at $19.95 costs you about $.18 a poem; cheaper than the newspaper and more durable too (both in content and in format). This book represents a cumulative effort of approximately 600 hours and I'm pleased with the result. If you enjoy All the News in Witty Print (or All the News That's Shit; In Print), please buy a copy.
Also, let me know if you want to review it.
Thanks for reading,
ps: Sorry folks, no #twitterfoundpoems in this edition.
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