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Showing posts with label clone. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clone. Show all posts

Friday, June 25, 2010

Intersubjective Symbiosis [Today's News Poem, June 25, 2010]

Intersubjective Symbiosis [Today's News Poem, June 25, 2010]

Who measured my soul? It is air, I am certain.
And dying this once, will the life everlasting
They promise, deliver contentment with scalpels?
The liver: an eater of toxins. Diseases
Take refuge in lungs; with their essences weighing
The same as my own—that is, nothing but error
That copies itself through the ages, and hitches
A ride on my final exhale: I am praying.

“...scientists have successfully implanted lab-made lung tissue into living rats. The fully functional tissue can exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide, the key role of the lungs. The scientists--led by a team at Yale University--used a chemical treatment to remove all existing cells from adult rat lungs, keeping the structure of the airways and vascular system intact to later serve as a sort of "scaffold" for the growth of new lung cells. ”
– Leslie Katz, Cnet, June 24, 2010

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Today is Hey Dude Day [Twitter Found Poem, May 31, 2010]

Today is Hey Dude Day [Twitter Found Poem, May 31, 2010]

“Hey Dude, Today is "Hey Dude...Watch This!!!!!!!" day.
"What's this button do?"
hit the brakes now!
oh shit Today is quit life day.
I think Im going to heaven ...
BUT the weather looks bad.

oh no!!!!!!! Today is also "oh shit
I deleted the weather" day.
Today is also Hurricanes and Oil Spill day.
my Ghost is flying to heaven ...
my Ghost is hit now! !!!!!!!
sharp-edged rocks were flying around!!!!!!!
quick, clone me now!
if I'm
I'll give you My Treasure.
The real amazing thing is My Treasure
is made out of Hurricanes and Oil Spill.
Today is "Hey Dude, clone me now!” day.
My Treasure is buried ........”


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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gard Your Hart From the Clones [Twitter Found Poem May 15, 2010]

Gard Your Hart From the Clones [Twitter Found Poem May 15, 2010]

finding You on a subway
with all these creepers on THE train
You asked "Why is he wearing such silly hats?"
I said "with all these Clones
with all these lil kids that fall out in the middle of the street,
with needy people who always crying
I am sick of Being jealous.”

I speak of Helen and Theseus!!!
We French kissed on a subway train.
You tore my clothes right off.

Craziness is like heaven.
You tore my my brain right off.
You left my hart in the middle of the street.
and said You killed 108 ppl.
You said I have to go crazy.

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