My sentence commuted, I lived in the yardage
Raskolnikov mentioned for beasts in the city.
My lovers were gulls and they rode on the thermals;
Surveying the prison surrounded by ocean.
And outside the refuse is clattering—rolling
Away and I climbed out my window to listen
For sirens and buses—emergency's traces.
The panes in the walls of the cubes in the boxes
Are shows that I watch. I consider the reasons
They're jailed in this canyon of echoing menace.
Descending the ladder, I walk to the parklet:
A sliver with tenants that predate this prison.
A netting of cables and boughs keeps me grounded.
And even the peak of the hill I've ascended
Is crowned with a cloud that is punctured with spotlights:
A halo of glamor; the urban sky glowing.
I notice antennae are pointed directly
Above us, to space and away from our planet.
“While these structures spring from the clash and synthesis of Adam Smith and Mao Zedong, they also reflect the breakneck speed at which sprawl is entangling cities worldwide. ”
– Christoph Gielen and Tim Doody, The New York Times, July 16, 2010
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