Weaponized giggles, leisure transactions:
Full contact word sport.
Each expectation: value editions.
Croon to me nest eggs, tell me your longings.
Fraud gilds the sky here.
Drudgery's common. London just happens
Only this once, so fly in my talons.
Shed tears, not blood dear:
Nobody needed like I have needed.
“While these anecdotes provide colour, they don't solve the puzzles posed in the prologue, such as why Madoff started a criminal racket when he was a well-respected multi-millionaire and how he could live with himself for destroying friends and charities. The book doesn't quite get behind his charming, steely facade – but it suggests few people ever have. Apparently, the elderly convict still gets bugged by felons for investment advice.”
– Jessica Holland, The Observer, Sunday 26 September 2010
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