Censorship works—if you doubt it, you're hopeless.
Truth is a cell that evolves with the lies—
A fish that is eaten—delicious, defeated.
Look in the darkness; a pattern emerges:
Look at your portrait, your vision of naught;
You call it the 'other,' but see imposition.
Bias yourself with selective attention.
Outrage will nourish your curious whims;
A nicotine, opiate... something refreshing,
Almost the genuine product—imperfect.
Who can permit all this darkness around
And tolerate gazes from voids into gazes?
Pick at it, pantomime dramas of knowledge:
Isolate motes in the eyes of the void,
Deny that you're kin, or you're finished—you're finished.
"Li Changchun, a member of China’s top ruling body, the Politburo Standing Committee, and the country’s senior propaganda official, was taken aback to discover that he could conduct Chinese-language searches on Google’s main international Web site. When Mr. Li typed his name into the search engine at google.com, he found “results critical of him.”"
—JAMES GLANZ and JOHN MARKOFF, The New York Times, Published: December 4, 2010
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