Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
Solution for oil spill and leak. Set it ON FIRE.
an eternally burning oil fire.
use the swat team: Outnumbered but never outgunned.
they are adorable even though
they are barely picking up everyones trash...
the swat team turned from the fire
cus there's a bank robber in the bushes.
Like 20 SWAT members have automatic weapons
pointed on one Dolphin turtle bank robber.
You can jail a Revolutionary Dolphin turtle
but you can't jail the Revolution.
black guy deaths are Nothing.
Revolutionary Dolphin turtle deaths
are less than Nothing.
You can gun down a Revolutionary Dolphin turtle
in Richmond near the oil refinery buyin some CRACK.
You can Set it ON FIRE
because a Revolutionary Dolphin turtle
Has no friends
no black panthers to keep fighting for them.
SWAT doesn't hate Revolutionary Dolphin turtle
as people. they hate them as reptiles.