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Showing posts with label May 6 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label May 6 2010. Show all posts

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Instruments of Distraction [Today's News Poem (Sonnet) May 6, 2010]

Instruments of Distraction [Today's News Poem (Sonnet) May 6, 2010]

The politicians claim, biologists
Agree, the fit survive, the rest compete
For dignity. Or ask economists
About your state of mind: you die complete
When healthcare's tapped and zeroed out. Your grave's
Not covered. Pay the out of pocket cost.
Depression's just a state of mind—who saves
When every instant offers something lost?
Tomorrow cannot compensate today,
Nor later, now. The coffee's instant brew,
Remote is by the keyboard, where I play
My instrument's distraction; seeking new
Obsessions–watching monitors for clues,
For purpose: in the instants, I must choose.

“Layoffs have dropped back to pre-recession levels and employers have slowly resumed hiring as the economy recovers from the worst recession since the 1930s. ”
– THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, The New York Times, May 6, 2010

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Apology Letter From My Philosophy Instructor [Twitter Found Poem May 6, 2010]

Apology Letter From My Philosophy Instructor [Twitter Found Poem May 6, 2010]
Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem

#MyOnlyQuestionIs where the hell do
and where the hell
is my philosophy teacher ???
and where am i going ?

Bombs and Bomb threats and No Fly List ppl on planes
Where am I living right now??
WTF is going on in the US???
Got dropped by my econ class.
@TheEconomist told me
she "loved me" but it's hard to believe at times.

I started TROWING UP my hands.
to many fake not real ppl :
where the hell do I find a real
random philosophy saint?

my birth certificate is an apology letter
from the @dalailama "Human happiness and satisfaction
come from within oneself; it is wrong to expect
some final satisfaction from money or a computer."
Home ec is a laugh.

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