"But this president was determined to go to war. It was more theology than it was anything else. That's pretty hard to deal with. Now, when Scott says we were complicit enablers, two pages later he then says that in retrospect we went to military confrontation on weapons of mass destruction because we couldn't sell the real reason for it, which was an idealistic, democratic Iraq in the post-9/11 world. "
--Tom Brokaw in an interview with Brian Williams, on MSNBC, May 28, 2008
“At issue is a ballot purge by a government committee of more than 400 candidates from the March 7 parliamentary elections for alleged ties to Saddam's now-outlawed Baath Party. Saleh Al-Mutlaq is among those who were blacklisted, meaning that he cannot run for re-election for the seat he now holds. The Shiite-led blacklist is seen as targeting Sunnis, though some Shiites are also on the list.”
-AP, Lara Jakes, Feb 15, 2010
In fantasy, we're heroes—all—
But life has ways to make us small.
With trite resistance, malcontents
Will insubordinate to vent
Their wounded pride: it's ego's love,
And not ideals. They're not above
A sycophant's ass-kissing ways.
A wise one knows true power slays
Whomever speaks: in jest, or not,
The joker's tortured, then he's shot;
And woe to him too much a fool
To change alliance when the rule
Of state has altered course: who once
Was known for principle's a dunce.
The brave and lucky killers win:
They think that victors cannot sin.
And woe to all the dinosaurs:
Who saved their skins, instead of war.
Though smart enough to live as tools,
They're smart, too smart to know the rule
That history loves only fools.