Even nothingness follows order.
Bangs unspool and collapse; creating
Time and space from potential empty
Spaces. Possible genesis where
Former entropy reigned, declined and
Ceased to mean. Where where vanished; losing
Tempo, subject and object. Solved by
Helix, vortexes, spirals spinning:
Lattice patterns that joined together.
“The International Mathematical Union (IMU) doled out seven prizes, including the brand-new, $500,000 Chern Medal Award, in opening ceremonies at its quadrennial International Congress of Mathematicians (ICM) today in Hyderabad, India. Also at the meeting, IMU elected its first woman president, Ingrid Daubechies of Princeton University... Villani's work "makes deep connections between mathematics and physics, in particular regarding the notion of entropy," says Stefan Müller of the University of Bonn in Germany. It brings rigor to another question of statistical physics: How quickly does a highly organized system, such as compressed gas about to be released, reach its disordered equilibrium state? The answer contains a surprise: Entropy (a measure of disorder) increases at different speeds, sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly.”
– Barry Cipra, Science Now, August 19, 2010
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