Twitter Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
4shad0w YourAncestor Jealous1zEnV cartiertone Daisylovesjoej @EmilyOsment @DugyFresh @DJPaulyD @djknucklehead @deleasakathleen Army_Regime @EricDeanSeaton i_luv_ya_JB Jayygasm BenHusch sammatterface Artistikk ZodiacFacts DraconianMogwai EnglishBob84 kifrubards turnaround4life Wykrzyknik FreakyFact a2ztechnews simplynatasha
lies and deceptions
will be exposed in
the name
Of all that's
Justin Bieber
Tammy Etheridge's artificial penis broke off
inside Melissa during sex ?
lying inside of her after sex ?
stop the hate...
#Scorpios can easily differentiate between false emotions and true ones.
A #Virgo male loves criticizing people for their faults but he is blind to his own faults.
The Zodiac Killer was never caught.
in the name
Of all that's
Justin Bieber
i command
The Zodiac Killer
to put us in recovery
mode without the use of
Hot Celebrity News .
bad luck starts from now on
The Zodiac Killer was never caught.
I pray to false prophets, that lies and deceptions
will be exposed in Justin Bieber name.
& Wish me happy bad luck from now on