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Showing posts with label simulation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label simulation. Show all posts

Monday, July 05, 2010

Simulated Drowning Experiences [Twitter Found Poem, July 5, 2010]

Simulated Drowning Experiences [Twitter Found Poem, July 5, 2010]

When I see a computer of worth, I think of how
I may emulate it. When I examine myself
I see one who is unworthy. the computers can
not conceal love from me. They simulate
a drowning experience for me. They say
It's to simulate computer experience.
When the computers awaken me from sleep,
I awaken from a simulated drowning experience.
I can not conceal my love for mad Max games
any more. when I get home I'm gonna see
if white noise can simulate a drowning experience.
Imagine if I could simulate a drowning experience
for Most people!!.. Oh... Sweet sweet drowning..
Oh... mad Max!!! Oh... TERMINATER!!!
I awaken from a simulated living experience
and fall asleep in the computer...
the mad mad computer...

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