Re: TheDrude charyl maxwas kaThkaThCSBD RodneyRikai yukolive HypeBeast101 JeorgIAm CallMeLo EPITOME22 Nawarah89 Pecor DGRNX bigfatphoenix x3MrsBieber dinaislegit PrettyWings94 Kimmehkins SeIGomezBabe alfredquinn bingofuel GiLLTeRaTi SelenaGomezCrew justinbieber therealdarkboi kelliyo StopBieberHack Tzion uvtrick xcompr Anjosie hannahrochelle
Woke up dreaming of city filling up with undead
your best solution is to set Justin Bieber on fire.
His only goal in life is to swallow enough cum
so that he can impregnate women
by sharting up their pussholes
I fear and have continuous nightmares about #selenagomez
I'm gonna give her a lobotomy! Lol.
Every time she talks I get stupider.
the energy drained from brains of really slow ppl
fills heir bank account !!!
blame Quetzalcoatl, Zeus and Spiderman.
fucking skanks get stupider and stupider these days.
the gift that keeps on giving?
spit roast the right sacrificial King and QUEEN
& i believe that God will forgive &
give us a chance to make things right.
we should start saving the MotherEarth from further harm.
Eat celebrities