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Showing posts with label RupertBATS. Show all posts
Showing posts with label RupertBATS. Show all posts

Friday, August 06, 2010

Stars of Wormwood for the Star of Wormwood [#twitterfoundpoem August 6, 2010]

Stars of Wormwood for the Star of Wormwood [#twitterfoundpoem August 6, 2010]

Revelations rises again! Bats are pouring into the woods!
somehow they are very good at spotting irony.
sum poor unlucky bastard is goin tu gt smite dwn by God
n or Jesus. what God n or Jesus don't know
is That star@wormwood takes a stab at the end
by Higgs Boson n Gamma Ray Bats!

for Every debunker God smites there's a
star@wormwood for Every star@wormwood!
for Every debunker God smites
The Cruel Sea drinks a glass of Jesus!

my late friend Moses is fried by Gamma Ray Science!
and Bats are pouring out of hell
carrying the shit out of Buddha and Mohammad!

you poor unlucky credulous bastard trusted
God etc and they Betrayed you!
God etc leads you down into the woods
and Gamma Ray Bats burst into your head
while red in tooth and claw mutant beasts like
the giant arachnid and a carnivorous small fawn
debunk as many Gods as there are Revelations!

ps: Bats rules! Buy their album!

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Friday, April 02, 2010

Today's Found Poem on Twitter [April 2, 2010]

Re: 9aBy, chriztasays, bignoon, orig_maka_nani, PIFF_PCH, ki9884, db2dacoops, AGuzman17, tev600, LoniSwain, SubaBat, lindsay_marie21, MaudeCat, RevPriest, RupertBATS, bexmunro, jordobro

a magic Jew died a long long time ago.
he was zombified on monday
nailed to a cross
he went extinct for your sins

Don't talk shit.
he was zombified on monday
u gonna be feeling bad on a Friday?
raptor jesus went extinct
he was zombified on monday
a long long time ago.

the passover bunny brings
chocolate covered matza
I can't buy booze
I can't reach your face
I can't wait for my tax refund to pay this all off

try not to get nailed to a cross
try not to be too jealous.
try not to wake up too early
most of us don't have
the resurrection powerup.

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