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Showing posts with label oil spill. Show all posts
Showing posts with label oil spill. Show all posts

Thursday, September 09, 2010

Oppressive Jesters [Today's News Poem, September 9, 2010]

Oppressive Jesters [Today's News Poem, September 9, 2010]

Gesticulate jesters! Your grandiose gestures sweep through the gilding of anthill and building. Impressive arrays of obedience comes from your cufflinks, your buttons of ivory; plastic black keyboards and rubber on phones. If the drill doesn't conquer your suction will triumph. If spills can't allay your oppression; your bills of expedience, then die-offs of krill and a murderous playa will serve to display all those trophies: the bones that you gather, the carcasses bursting with gaseous burps. Burn out attention: the longer they mention your names, then the sweeter the silence that history claims on your ruin. After the beaches have rusted, your speeches will wander through space and the void will expand all the forces of nature: conspiring against you—ignoring your words with defiance.

“Donald J. Trump was spurned in an offer to purchase the site of the proposed Islamic community center near New York City’s Ground Zero for the price paid plus 25 percent.”
– John Gittelsohn and Esmé E. Depre, Bloomberg, Sep 9, 2010 4:31 PM PT

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Sit-N-Spin On Oily Ashes [Twitter Found Poem, June 26, 2010]

Sit-N-Spin On Oily Ashes [Twitter Found Poem, June 26, 2010]

experts say the oil leak in the gulf
the ashes of your deceased mother,
A BP gas card,
A used rabbit,
are in the genes.

experts say Y'all NOT havin kids!! Lol.
suffer the consequences of your actions...
wasn't destroying a place the experts have
come to call paradise a good reason Why
Y'all NOT havin kids?

sit-n-spin on the ashes of your deceased mother,
A used rabbit,
and OILY anjing laut,singa laut,walrus,dugong,manatee,sapi laut,gajah laut
sit-n-spin on the ashes of your deceased you!!!
RIP! Lol

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Wednesday, June 09, 2010

DEAD Aquaman & the Oil Spill Kids [Twitter Found Poem, June 9, 2010]

DEAD Aquaman & the Oil Spill Kids [Twitter Found Poem, June 9, 2010]

it's my Favorite show:
THE BP Oil Spill Kills Aquaman
OMG I cracked up when it shows
Aquaman moving to protect the kids from the Oil.
And OMG THE Aquaman kids Appearing
In TV Commercials And Magazine Ads?
OMG I cracked up.

I Could Become Rich Appearing
In TV Commercials And Magazine Ads.
jump into the Oil for 3 months...
buy Google ads...
buy TV Commercials And Magazine Ads
SO I Could Become Rich Appearing
on my Favorite show:
DEAD Aquaman & the oil spill kids,
starring me as DEAD Aquaman.

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Today is Hey Dude Day [Twitter Found Poem, May 31, 2010]

Today is Hey Dude Day [Twitter Found Poem, May 31, 2010]

“Hey Dude, Today is "Hey Dude...Watch This!!!!!!!" day.
"What's this button do?"
hit the brakes now!
oh shit Today is quit life day.
I think Im going to heaven ...
BUT the weather looks bad.

oh no!!!!!!! Today is also "oh shit
I deleted the weather" day.
Today is also Hurricanes and Oil Spill day.
my Ghost is flying to heaven ...
my Ghost is hit now! !!!!!!!
sharp-edged rocks were flying around!!!!!!!
quick, clone me now!
if I'm
I'll give you My Treasure.
The real amazing thing is My Treasure
is made out of Hurricanes and Oil Spill.
Today is "Hey Dude, clone me now!” day.
My Treasure is buried ........”


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Sunday, May 30, 2010

The Home Stretch [Twitter Found Poem, May 30, 2010]

The Home Stretch [Twitter Found Poem, May 30, 2010]

Wave that green flag again!
4 WIDE down the front stretch
Dario, Helio, Briscoe, bus...
i hate when a bus goes too fast. like
102 mph and falls into a ditch.

the tank explodes. 30 passengers, including 10 children
burn to death. Wouldn't they build a tank anticipating that #nascar
might be shooting at it? anticipating that oil spill nightmare! ?

The Memorial Day Weekend is dedicated to remembering
passengers... including children
who have paid the ultimate sacrifice for this
wonderful....DANGEROUS so called life
so our fear and hate country could be what it is today:
a bursting mortar shell.

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