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Showing posts with label talk radio. Show all posts
Showing posts with label talk radio. Show all posts

Friday, June 25, 2010

MOUNTAINS of SHIT In Millions of Crocks [Twitter Found Poem, June 25, 2010]

MOUNTAINS of SHIT In Millions of Crocks [Twitter Found Poem, June 25, 2010]

There is no Constitutional authority. There is no law.
This meltdown was sponsored by Financial regulation FLAW.
what Are We? turkey pastrami on squaw?
r u tellin me ur gonna bite US with yo new dentures? neuter and spay
drunk ass prey
like US? MANNNNNNNNNN what a concept: seduce n fillet
It takes 250,000 bullets to bite one enemy in Iraq
but It takes Financial regulation meltdown to lock
military personnel In #Dishonorable contracts to Stalk stalk stalk
and bug spray the enemy in Afghanistan & Iraq
and bite the enemy WHILE THE RADIOS talk talk talk
MOUNTAINS of SHIT In millions of crocks crocks crocks.

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