No life is a waste but You are not alive. The only time
You waste is the time You spend thinking
You are alive when You are really All alone All the time.
I'm sick of feeding my soul to The vampire's society.
There's enough of that already! when I run out of soul will I
gain immortality at the expense of my soul?
I'm not a monster, I'm just a sick kid who would give anything
to have her soul back. What is The value of a soul exactly?
a mosquito that sucks life and is sucked by a Vampire
to gain immortality at the expense of my soul?
what Do I get exactly? I worked hard feeding my soul.
If Vampire society knew how hard I worked to get my soul
it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all. All things take effort,
time and expense. You are poor and not alive.
I am alive!!!! I am a misanthrope!!!! I hate Vampire society!!!!
They attempt to include everyone. what Do I get exactly?
I know what They get: D Vampire Hunter....
me !!!!
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