Ever wonder how to make your anus look sexier??
get an Effluent Treatment Plant inside your intestines!!!!
It's not like it's an abstruse concept.
The Benefits of Worm Farming inside your intestines
may make you Wanna Cry:
This Shit hurts So Bad like there are spastic
samurais on acid having a dance party with their swords
inside your intestines, but ANAL BLEACHING
is worth a parasite transfer. and those aren't like spastic samurais,
they are spastic Worm samurais!!!!
Dang it, Don't be embarrassed by those dark color rings
on your anus, spastic Worm samurais are cutting them
out. This Shit hurts So Bad
but soon you won't need to Shit.
those dark color rings on your anus
are like astronomy for not very bright children,
is something for the stars.
its the only way to be sure
you're not embarrassed by those dark color rings.
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