The worm of the page is the promise of legend.
It's turning through history. Lines on the paper
Are maggots that squirm and devour the reader.
They leap through the air through the aperture pupil
And feast on the brain—that antennae to heaven.
The signal is weakening; angels are sleeping
On clouds at the switch, while the worms made of parchment
Are hatching and eating the nerves of acceptance
Of mysteries; answering prayers with the blueprints
To build an inferno on earth—with an answer
For everything measured. The measureless vanish.
“Declaring that many parts of Thailand remain unstable, the government on Tuesday extended by three months a state of emergency that gives authorities broad powers to restrict political meetings and detain suspects without charge. ”
– Thomas Fuller, The New York Times, July 6, 2010
“The U.S. government’s bank stress tests a year ago helped financial stocks to rebound 36 percent over the next seven months. Europe’s plan to follow may not be as successful. ”
– Andrew MacAskill & Aaron Kirchfeld, Bloomberg Businessweek, July 6, 2010
“Tar balls found Sunday on eastern Galveston Island were confirmed today as coming from the Gulf oil spill, according to the U.S. Coast Guard.”
– Moises Mendoza, The Houston Chronicle, July 6, 2010
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