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Showing posts with label Inquisition's just an imposition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Inquisition's just an imposition. Show all posts

Friday, March 19, 2010

Inquisition of an Atheist [Bonus Poem, March 19, 2010]

Inquisition of an Atheist [Bonus Poem, March 19, 2010]

“So you prefer this isle of sin?”
“Yes, I do. Is loving breath
Worth the loss of life hereafter?”

“This body tests who ought to win—”
“'... Life forever, life in death,'
Lies the fronds dismiss with laughter.”

“You mock the words of holy books!”
“Books they wrote to cow the hicks.”
“Evil force defiles your soul—“

“And yet I'm here on tenterhook—“
“We won't fall for evil tricks,
Lies, deceit: your only goals.

In pandemonium for you: eternity's assigned
A proper fate for one who hates a God like mine—God's kind."

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