Law is stone and God is brazier:
Bronze, unyielding, burning razor.
Time is bone, a crystal rock:
Fossil lost to gemstone features.
Love our eyes for eyes, and seek
Blind surrender, yield as weak.
Gradations have vanished in binaries:
Perfect, defective, and perfect
Surrender, surrender; it's envy, surrender—
God is the captain of every surrender.
"Sirhan made his first appearance before a California parole board since 2000, supported by two psychologists' reports saying he no longer poses a threat to society, his attorney said... On occasion, Sirhan flashed a gap-toothed smile, but as Prizmich announced the parole denial, Sirhan bit his tongue.
Prizmich said that Sirhan's assassination of Kennedy marked a national loss, prompting Sirhan to make a startling assertion.
"That was not my responsibility," Sirhan blurted out.
Sirhan's attorney, William Pepper, expressed "disappointment" over the parole board's decision and said Sirhan will appeal the matter to the courts. The parole board "ignored every thing we had to say, and they went on the emotional kick of a loss of a presidential candidate," Pepper said. "The magnitude of the crime has nothing to do with his suitability of being released from prison after 43 years.""
—Michael Martinez, CNN, March 3, 2011 12:01 a.m. EST
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