The pastels are stunning and if you are careful
You'll see that the paint and the tinsel are scuffing.
So worship the notion; the mothers of someone
Who died are on knees and accept the conditions
Of grace in this chapel. The balcony's shoddy;
And leaning will kill you. The bolts are uncertain;
But faith in the polish should keep you from falling.
The Monarch is deejay and pumps-up the music;
Then seizures on floor as The Pagan, in rapture.
He rises in minutes, as Holiest Faggot;
With scepter and crown. His erection is covered
By shroud; and his leer, with a mustache from heaven.
The pervert is ruler of all that's eternal—
From clubs in the penthouse of clouds, to the churches
Of faithful who worship polemics that promise
That everything's fine if you keep from observing
The details and hope that the coupons one's given
Redeem what's been lost as you offer your wedding
To statues of plaster; to candles and Bishops.
“Two years and $265 million later, Santa Monica Place reopened Friday with thousands of shoppers pouring in to get a first look at the newly remodeled shopping center... By the time Walters arrived at 8 a.m., two hours before the mall opened, hordes of shoppers were already lined up in a scene reminiscent of Black Friday crowds on the day after Thanksgiving... All 500 mall gift cards that had been allotted for the opening, valued from $10 to $500, had been given out to early birds, many of whom had camped out overnight. A DJ spun a mix of classic rock, hip-hop and country tunes while an emcee encouraged people to "shop to your hearts' content." ”
– Andrea Chang, Los Angeles Times, August 7, 2010,0,4134563.story?track=rss
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