It's greed that has brought us together.
Greed shall define us.
While ethics and competence matter,
Our greed shall define us.
A gravity draws with charisma,
Repels with a phone-call,
And pulls in its orbit the slowest;
Parries with phone-calls.
A mastermind lacking the genius:
Drawn to the chances
Of winning, then rages at losses
Incurred with the chances.
Mass such as this can even eclipse
Stars at a distance, sun in the day,
Words from our keyboards, breath from our songs,
Plans for our tongues, for decimal sense.
"The Huffington Post soon blossomed into a tribe with a roster of mostly unpaid bloggers that grew from 500 to 9,000 over the course of five years, all creating a site that manufactured much of its own content and liberally borrowed much of the rest. "
—DAVID CARR and JEREMY W. PETERS, The New York Times, Published: February 7, 2011
"After Levin's death in 2004, she called him "the big love of my life... The couple divorced in 1997, and in 1998 Michael Huffington revealed that he was bisexual. he financial terms of their divorce agreement remain undisclosed... Huffington was accused of plagiarism for copying material for her book Maria Callas (1981); the claims were settled out of court in 1981, with Callas biographer Gerald Fitzgerald being paid "in the low five figures."[27][28][29]
Lydia Gasman, an art history professor at the University of Virginia, claimed that Huffington’s 1988 biography of Pablo Picasso, Picasso: Creator and Destroyer, included themes similar to those in her unpublished four-volume Ph.D. thesis. "What she did was steal twenty years of my work," Gasman told Maureen Orth in 1994. Gasman did not file suit.[30]
Maureen Orth also reported that Huffington "borrowed heavily for her 1993 book, The Gods of Greece."[31]"
—Wikipedia, 9:17pm PST, 2/7/2011
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