“I have never quite gotten the Pat Tillman story out of my system. Only now am I understanding why. It has been six years and two days since he died, his head blown off amid a pile of rocks on the side of a hill in Afghanistan, murdered by guys on his own team, other U.S. soldiers. After lying about it, the military eventually called it friendly fire and treated it as a mistake... I was looking for tears, when I should have been looking for facts. Dannie Tillman did what a nation full of high-paid, overblown journalists should have done. She went after the real story while the beautiful people on TV and the nerds with notepads broadcast and wrote morality plays.”
– Bill Dwyre, The Los Angeles Times, April 24, 2010
Who cares what Plato; Lao Tse said
When Rumsfeld's lies are cast in lead?
The Pentagon's a pentagram,
The Internet's the telegram—
The noble lie is just a lie.
A general must first be sly
To win his war with hearts and minds.
The bullet's just a contract signed
To seal the deal, to back the line;
To backdate steals, to strip the mine.
And if a lord becomes a pleb,
He'll tangle too in warfare webs
And feed the beast with fangs that gleam:
He signed his life for sake of team.