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Showing posts with label Doctor. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Doctor. Show all posts

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Anesthesia For Dreams [Today's News Poem, June 12, 2010]

Anesthesia For Dreams [Today's News Poem, June 12, 2010]

My youth was a dream and the world was too fleeting—
Too soft. I was numb as my puberty vanished
To studies and wages. I wasted that moment
I waited—like Prufrock—too long in deciding.
It passed and a fungus has spread past my ankles.
My pulverized teeth from the decades of gnashing
Are cracked and the doctors are puzzled; the experts
Confused by this rotting. They cover my surface
With topical ointments. I'm waxen. My body
Is brittle. The organs are failing, no matter
The claims of the voices from boxes. I notice
The quadrangles speak and allay all my terrors.
I wake at that moment with caps on incisors.
And somehow the surface of things has a logic
I missed all these years. Now I'm numbing the limits
Of what I expected and leave it to masters
Of detail to map out my personal progress;
To drain from my pelt all those troublesome innards
And lead me away from this squandered potential.

“One was a spoiled child so prone to fits of rage — fights, screamed insults, threats — that his parents began taking him to psychiatrists at age 6 and medicating him in a vain struggle to control his moods... The other was arrested three times in less than four months for petty crimes, and seemed like an aimless youth — until he developed a passion for a strict version of Islam that shocked and alienated his Dominican family.”
– Kareem Fahim, Richard Pérez-Peña and Karen Zraick, The New York Times, June 11, 2010

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Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Progress to Stasis: Immortal [Bonus News Poem, March 2, 2010]

Progress to Stasis: Immortal [Bonus News Poem, March 2, 2010]
“To answer Republican criticism of a proposed expansion of Medicaid, the federal-state insurance program for low-income Americans, he said he agreed it would be helpful to increase payment rates to doctors "in a fiscally responsible manner."”
-David M. Herszenhorn and Robert Pear, New York Times, March 2, 2010

The legends tell of war—of scholars, emperors,
And murder most especially—of towns of men—
Of cities moving spear and cart. They conquered whores—
Once free, but booty since—their children caged in pens.
An age of war gave way to one of war and trade.
Instead of taking kids by sword and chain, the boat
Became the modern way. An age of bloody raid!
Of riches thralls create on rocky soil like goats.
But every good must end. This wealth, for now, secures
A livelihood for all—but what of venal hopes?
The immortality it's said that cash procures
Can fund an age of medicine with banking tropes.
For banks subsume the score of war: a meritocracy
Where booze and drugs and suit-dressed thugs serve gerontocracy.

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Saturday, February 13, 2010

Zoology [Today's News Poem, Feb 13, 2010]

Zoology [Today's News Poem, Feb 13, 2010]

“It didn't happen. There's no way .... they are still alive.”
--Amy Bishop

“The shootings on the university campus opened a window into the pressure-cooker world of biotechnology start-ups, where scientists often depend on their association with academia for a leg up.”
--Shaila Dewan and Liz Robbins, NYT

A pressure cooker, right? A princess takes
The world by right—her flesh is good: it's white.
She's not an animal. The 'black man' fakes
His decent traits, but her, she fakes her fight—
“It didn't happen,” right? “They're still alive”
She said—that's right. Just ask the news—like you
It wants to know how snow can act like jive-
Ass darkies. Whites with burdens tend imbue
Their sacrifice for darker folks with tragedy.
The blacks just suffer less: their pains are comedy.

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