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Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Politics. Show all posts

Thursday, May 06, 2010

Instruments of Distraction [Today's News Poem (Sonnet) May 6, 2010]

Instruments of Distraction [Today's News Poem (Sonnet) May 6, 2010]

The politicians claim, biologists
Agree, the fit survive, the rest compete
For dignity. Or ask economists
About your state of mind: you die complete
When healthcare's tapped and zeroed out. Your grave's
Not covered. Pay the out of pocket cost.
Depression's just a state of mind—who saves
When every instant offers something lost?
Tomorrow cannot compensate today,
Nor later, now. The coffee's instant brew,
Remote is by the keyboard, where I play
My instrument's distraction; seeking new
Obsessions–watching monitors for clues,
For purpose: in the instants, I must choose.

“Layoffs have dropped back to pre-recession levels and employers have slowly resumed hiring as the economy recovers from the worst recession since the 1930s. ”
– THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, The New York Times, May 6, 2010

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Monday, January 25, 2010

Ernst and Röhm [Today's News Poem]

Ernst and Röhm

By Khakjaan Wessington

“...reverse the overall erosion in middle class security...”
-President Obama, The New York Times, Jan 25, 2010,

A specter haunting President Obama haunts
The textbooks, episodes of History Channel.
In film the Fuhrer dies by it—it saved a gaunt
And saintly Private Ryan. Secretly, panels
Of Koch executives gloat as Teabag pawns fight
For vassalage. 'Aren't Ernst and Röhm the tax people,'
I've heard them ask. Security from thought—to spite
Their loneliness, they seek control of courts, steeples.
Oh Hannah Arendt dance with me, don't dance too deep—
A squad of goons are coming into town: beep beep!

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