By RL Greenfield
Rock & Roll set the tone by demolishing all criteria. Pierced the sound barrier. It busted
open the secret worlds. It crushed the universe of nic-nac convention & papier-mache
façade. It blew the roof off explanations. It smote the beast “esthetics.” No explanations
but in orgasms. If you write it on the page you are history. History is about the dead.
Rock & Roll is the Unceasing Sun. Eternal explosion & forever consummation. The
one & only Eternal Subject. Art can never be “objectified.” Every critic is a mortician.
To speak of “the object” is to be confined to the cemetery. Dylan, The Beatles, Rolling
Stones, You Name It----Hard Rock is already past tense putty, ground dust, or ashes
between the fingers & syrup on the tongue---endless de-tumescence & absence of sexual
dynamite. It repeats the formula: instant insipid baby food for chatter-box
regressionaries & anemics waiting for The Reaper in their laptops & cell-phone
megalomania. Piss-up-a-rope Intellectuals salivate in cyberspace concerning
the critique of Israelo-Fascism by Norman Mailer in the crypt. Rock & Roll burns
destroys & comes like the Lord Jesus Christ Mohamet. It is eternal orgasm itself The
Ecstasy unidentifiable by academic harlots peeping through their recipe books. Throw
away your dictionaries, literary critics, re-viewers & re-views. Art Happens. Get rid of
your brain-dead cell-phone clamp-on clichés & your syllabus-capsule oatmeal lectures:
Clean the tracks. It’s morning, Idiots: Sun & Sky are here----get out of the wood-work:
Resurrect your ass from the tomb & shake rattle & roll!
RL Greenfield lives in & loves Los Angeles, California.
Recent work online Stride Magazine ( poems, Aug. 2010), Poetic Matrix ( poems Dec 2010). 9 January & 1 December 2009---Charles Wright’s Littlefoot and Russell Edson’s See Jack. Forthcoming poems The Denver Quarterly, Chiron Review, Nether, Eunoia Review, & Sein und Werden. Review of Cormac McCarthy’s The Road online November, 2010 Gently Read Literature. Numerous other publications in national reviews such as The Wormwood Review, The New York Quarterly, The Minnesota Review.
RLG received NEA fellowship literature mss of poems 1995. Created television program The Greenfield Code & produced & hosted 150 one-hr shows in Santa Barbara featuring writers & artists. It was terrifically successful & a thrilling experience that transformed his esthetic forever.
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