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Showing posts with label Ghost. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ghost. Show all posts

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Willard Up Gangsta!! [#twitterfoundpoem, August 12, 2012]

Willard Up Gangsta!! [#twitterfoundpoem, August 12, 2012]

Willard up gangsta!!
don't like Gemstone canines, Ghost dogs, Basic Lupine Urology?
u gotta be like the Gemstone canines.
u gotta Willard up gangsta and tear It up !!
u gotta tear breakfast bacon OFF a pig
and tear It up gangsta!!

When you're a Ghost Dog your whole death
and come to the point of not being able to play
your game anymore, it's like your death is over.

but u can still piss OFF, tear It up, and call the cops
for more so so fried breakfast pig.
your death is over but your Life is Just beginning .
so Willard up gangsta!! u gotta pig It up,
Fuck It up, an Fuck a breakfast pig!!
tear It up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Monday, May 31, 2010

Today is Hey Dude Day [Twitter Found Poem, May 31, 2010]

Today is Hey Dude Day [Twitter Found Poem, May 31, 2010]

“Hey Dude, Today is "Hey Dude...Watch This!!!!!!!" day.
"What's this button do?"
hit the brakes now!
oh shit Today is quit life day.
I think Im going to heaven ...
BUT the weather looks bad.

oh no!!!!!!! Today is also "oh shit
I deleted the weather" day.
Today is also Hurricanes and Oil Spill day.
my Ghost is flying to heaven ...
my Ghost is hit now! !!!!!!!
sharp-edged rocks were flying around!!!!!!!
quick, clone me now!
if I'm
I'll give you My Treasure.
The real amazing thing is My Treasure
is made out of Hurricanes and Oil Spill.
Today is "Hey Dude, clone me now!” day.
My Treasure is buried ........”


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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Haunted Androids [Mixed-Media Collaboration, May 15, 2010; Art by R Toady, Poetry by K.W.]

Haunted Androids
Art by Rutherford Toady
Poetry by Khakjaan Wessington

I) Genesis of the Lament
Seized and snipped, placenta
Bagged then burned, they branded...
Mother! Doctors etched an
Order, “Live” upon my
Brow! All wet with after
Birth—the lights were blinding.
Greenish curtains bore the
Yolk from which I burst. An
Angel said before my
Birth, the drain creates an
Eye with steady gaze that
Meets the rinser's guilty
Glance. My best dregs gurgled.

II) Homunculus Adopts the Golem
Through the slivers of clouds comes a beam
For the evening: the moon is my rune
In the night. So I follow the seams:
Through the yards, and the fences on dune.
May the cobwebs protect me! I crept.
I was drawn to the chorus I heard.
It was beautiful croaking—I wept
In the mists and the doorway. A bird
Made of leather was perched on a stand.
She's the sister of golems—the hen
For my skull—and she hatched me a wren
From my scalp. I extended my hand.

Rutherford Toady is also a great writer. Go to for more art and poetry.

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