Telegram sent from inferno to office.
Blaze from the circuitry: lines on a graph.
Pick up the phone—it's for you—it's a scorcher.
Burn off your sideburns, your stubble; your face
Spared from the temperature, spared by the distance.
Graph? Well, it's curved like the universe; graphed
Almost balloon-like, so call it inflation.
Excess delivers itself where unneeded.
Likewise, attention may wander the airwaves
Searching for call-signs where nothing survives
Longer than whimsy; than carbon in blaze.
"After more than three days, Israel’s worst-ever fire still raging; Five million trees destroyed across 50,000 dunams of land; World’s biggest fire-fighting plane joining the battle."
—YAAKOV LAPPIN AND YAAKOV KATZ, The Jerusalem Post, 12/05/2010 00:42
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