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Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label happiness. Show all posts

Friday, March 23, 2012

…and here be tygers [Today's News Poem by HikiMadwoman, March 23, 2012]

and here be tygers [Today's News Poem by HikiMadwoman, March 23, 2012]

in the mountained mouth of northeast asia, an empty gray tooth marks north korea
one red pin marks a model city, painted clean without pity, the lovely pyongyang
stuffed with concrete girls and empty tilt-a-whirls smelling of blood and dark urea
fringed 'round with wooden spooned schools, where watered women in hanboks sang

i have watched the young man mountains surrounding pyongyang's potent potted smile
holding silted rivers sleeping flanks with their banks free of boats neatly curled
in roofless shopping cart valleys stamping out the arduous march for another mile
pocked 'round with unknown holes, dead wells perforating their white paper world

in another map i found a name for the wooden saint plastic paint model railroad town
and named collective farms, plaster dams and coalmine arms, all drawed out in blue
prison camp lines sketched famine fine and where they lay the tin missiles down
i drank of jet fuel and submarines, and climbed the steppes of golden mount baekdu

there these sleepy-limbed sons of korgyo kings spoke in fury and threatened hell
from a republic of none and nuclear sun, red revolution in a boot on our neck
yet in rare photos i saw, a child playing in straw, an infant grasping a pale shell
two girls giggling pink at a sink, and a grand old man with a donkey in check

i knew them in one bright flash, and furious, i ask, how could it be the case
we could have forgotten there are people living and laughing in this place?

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Thursday, May 06, 2010

Apology Letter From My Philosophy Instructor [Twitter Found Poem May 6, 2010]

Apology Letter From My Philosophy Instructor [Twitter Found Poem May 6, 2010]
Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem

#MyOnlyQuestionIs where the hell do
and where the hell
is my philosophy teacher ???
and where am i going ?

Bombs and Bomb threats and No Fly List ppl on planes
Where am I living right now??
WTF is going on in the US???
Got dropped by my econ class.
@TheEconomist told me
she "loved me" but it's hard to believe at times.

I started TROWING UP my hands.
to many fake not real ppl :
where the hell do I find a real
random philosophy saint?

my birth certificate is an apology letter
from the @dalailama "Human happiness and satisfaction
come from within oneself; it is wrong to expect
some final satisfaction from money or a computer."
Home ec is a laugh.

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