Your jaws gape.
We will shut them.
You speak of love? We
act by gravity.
You question quills
the eldest
of worships
cast to open
mouths? Who pummeled you,
until you propped skins
on wood to block
our whimsy?
Your children
drowned. You fell to
mud but looked above
hoping we would claim
what seemed to sink
below ground.
You think time
is off? That flux
conforms to pacing?
Measurement of change
with memory
is folly.
You must chase
us and bottle
the water of clouds
for the plumbing
your new veins
will require.
You must drink your
ancient enemy;
become us. Only
then will we call
you master.
“More rain threatened Pakistan on Wednesday as aid workers pleaded for more help and additional helicopters to reach hundreds of thousands of people isolated by record floods.
The Pakistan Meteorological Department forecast thundershowers and occasional heavy rain into Friday in Punjab Province, Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province and Kashmir.
On Tuesday, the United Nations said 800,000 people could be reached only by air, and it called for 40 more helicopters from the international community to help take aid to people isolated by the flooding. ”
– Salman Masood, The New York Times, August 25, 2010
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