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Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Heart. Show all posts

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Gard Your Hart From the Clones [Twitter Found Poem May 15, 2010]

Gard Your Hart From the Clones [Twitter Found Poem May 15, 2010]

finding You on a subway
with all these creepers on THE train
You asked "Why is he wearing such silly hats?"
I said "with all these Clones
with all these lil kids that fall out in the middle of the street,
with needy people who always crying
I am sick of Being jealous.”

I speak of Helen and Theseus!!!
We French kissed on a subway train.
You tore my clothes right off.

Craziness is like heaven.
You tore my my brain right off.
You left my hart in the middle of the street.
and said You killed 108 ppl.
You said I have to go crazy.

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