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Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label neon. Show all posts

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Kiss From a Neon Siren [Today's News Poem, July 1, 2010]

Kiss From a Neon Siren [Today's News Poem, July 1, 2010]

Follow the lights and you'll drive to your bliss.
Tunnels of halogens guide you, with signs
Lighting the path—an electrical kiss.
Follow your whim; it's the pathway's design.
Locking your door made of glass has no use.
Smile at the strangers with predator grins.
Bottles are finished and both of you choose
Pleasure and vibrate with unified skins:
Masters tonight, but by morning are slaves.
Hangover breakfast, an awkward caress;
Coffee; a toothbrush—he rapidly shaves:
Pantomime game—you play house as you dress.
Daylight delivers the deadline you dread—
Both of you caught in the bars of the ray—
Everything's possible, costly and spread
Out for the taking; a trap made of pay.

“President Obama pressed Congress on Thursday to pass comprehensive immigration legislation to fix a “fundamentally broken” system by toughening enforcement of existing laws while creating a path to citizenship for many of the 11 million people in the United States illegally.”
– Peter Baker, The New York Times, July 1, 2010

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

The Third Nature [Today's News Poem, June 13, 2010]

The Third Nature [Today's News Poem, June 13, 2010]

They're stuck in this canyon of timber. They're waiting,
Like me, for the bus and they're dazzled by flickers
Of gasses so noble they brighten the evening
With gold—like the color of beer from a bottle.
The shards of a day that was lost fill the gutter.
The vapors ascend and combine with the moisture
Of fog on the hill and a figure approaches.
His balance maintained by the sidewalk, his breathing
Is fortified wine and his ear has a diamond
As small as the lamp at the edge of my vision.
He asks me for money. I hold up my transfer
To silence his plea—but he mumbles and rambles:
“Yeah crack's what I hoped for. You saw that. And still you
Are listening. Something tonight on the corner
Has changed me. I saw her—this tranny. She looked like
That Lucy... umm... Liu. And I know what we think and
We do makes the diff'rence in life and it's nothing
To look, but to touch her I'd earn it all back. I'm
A playa' who stepped off the game and I needed
To tell you I'm stuck and I'm hooked on the city.
And never before would I think I would ever
Confess to a man, or a stranger I want her.
I do. It's just... damn... when a man is more woman
Than woman I'll drink to her beautiful nature.”
And later I read of the snakes in the desert;
The hollow ones burst and from steel to the river;
Their contents have mingled with water. Pollution's
Ephemeral: mixed with the salt, in a body
Of desert. The earth isn't poisoned, it slumbers
Inanimate. Life too, is gone in an instant.

“A pipeline carrying mid-grade crude oil to Chevron Corp's 45,000 barrel per day (bpd) Salt Lake City refinery was shut on Saturday after leaking oil into a creek that feeds Utah's Great Salt Lake, said a fire department spokesman on Sunday.”
– Erwin Seba, Reuters, Sun Jun 13, 2010 5:29pm EDT

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