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Showing posts with label Caesar. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Caesar. Show all posts

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Rick Ross, Lil Wayne NEED-to respect Harlem Shake #TwitterFoundPoem

Rick Ross, Lil Wayne NEED-to respect Harlem Shake #TwitterFoundPoem
Tweets+Edits= #TwitterFoundPoem

Lemme tell you something #writeclub:
eat ice cream and use the sugar ...
its an inspiring Harlem Shake.
You going to eat ice cream and use the sugar
to get You sprinting fast again?
you get fatter.
if you watch Harlem Shake Lil Wayne,
puts all he has into doing a new dance correctly.
get thinner.
It's "seizure" not "caesar."
You NEED-to respect an artist
puts all he has into an inspiring caesura: Harlem Shake in wet T-shirt/ Broken Teeth ,
Unconscious Like delete, CPR After Seizure:
Rapper Rick Ross inspiring Lil Wayne
inspiring Harlem Shake.
don't talk about #writeclub
It's not "seizure" not "caesar."
It's an inspiring caesura: Unconscious Like delete.

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Friday, September 17, 2010

Raskolnikov's Breakfast With Caesar and the Emperor Qin [CombatWords August 27, 2010]

Raskolnikov's Breakfast With Caesar and the Emperor Qin [CombatWords August 27, 2010]

Smile and the office awaits you.
Grin and you'll ride to the steeple of glass.
A bow-tie suggests that you're honest,
While glasses imply that you read when you can.
So help them to cover their asses.
They'll pay you with passcodes, permissions to transfer
what's hidden in cubicles; breathing through
fax machines; hissing in copiers, blazing
through halogens. You'll conquer the windows and walls
with a taxi that's speeding the emperor home
to his chariot: wings over smog.
They call you a thief, or Raskolnikov
yet there's a house by the beach on an island,
awaiting its Bonaparte, dressed in a bow;
to breakfast with Caesar, the Emperor Qin,
and talk about the fairness of confidence.

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