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Showing posts with label kitty litter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label kitty litter. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Shithouse Lane, USA [Bonus Twitter Found Poem May 12, 2010]

Shithouse Lane, USA [Bonus Twitter Found Poem May 12, 2010]
Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem

i am shithouse.
i am smell like cat piss.
i did not come to this country for that.
Having sharp memory is great,
but to forget the ability is better.

you called meowing today.
Where is my ability to forget?
i am having serious costume regret.
you can't turn an inventor into house maid!

i am sold dignity and respect for kitty litter.
i did not come to this country for that.
Having a sharp memory is not great,
i am shithouse. such arre my regret
HAHAHAH! and yes, thats why everyone was meowing today.
you called today with kittens
you don't care if i am sold
dignity and respect for kitty litter.
you don't care i am afraid of you.

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