The crystalline water forms mammoths of icecaps
That crack— from the fluxes that made them in nature.
And seeping away is a gas that's deflecting
Photonic attrition; and soon what we're breathing
Will travel the cosmos; unchanged by the atoms
We borrowed for moments; unmoved by our contact.
Like Kafka had said, it's the knowledge of wisdom
That shatters the ice—oh that heavenly stasis.
So water we walk on betrays us with murder,
Epiphanies sink us in mud with the fossils:
All mothers will perish and nothing stays constant.
“A giant sheet of ice measuring 260 sq km (100 sq miles) has broken off a glacier in Greenland, according to researchers at a US university. The block of ice separated from the Petermann Glacier, on the north-west coast of Greenland. It is the largest Arctic iceberg to calve since 1962, said Prof Andreas Muenchow of the University of Delaware.”
– BBC, 6 August 2010 Last updated at 19:55 ET
“Researchers were stunned to discover recently that Earth is losing more of its atmosphere than Venus and Mars, which have negligible magnetic fields.”
– Irene Klotz, Discovery News, June 2, 2009
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