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Showing posts with label dead inside already. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dead inside already. Show all posts

Friday, August 17, 2012

Mock Execution [Today's News Poem, August 17, 2012]

Mock Execution [Today's News Poem, August 17, 2012]

You have nothing
I couldn't take;
And when you sing,
Sing mistake.

Nothing's safe or just:
Virgin Mary, cunt of God
Must fuck you over
Exactly like a man.

Dostoevsky knew the chances
Of execution's double glances.
Snowmen staked into the ground,
Czarist coils bound

To trees in winter--an upbringing
Of snow precautions:
'This is life,' he must have said
Before he bled beyond the ice.

Bring that little Jesus death
And death again; without the fear
Of death and death again
There's nothing left to fear.

My teenage brother yanked me off my chair
Tore my bib and brought the knife down near my neck
To slash and stab again in jest.
A game of fear to him.

But I have died and died again
And now I am invincible
And cannot fear, nor trust.
And if I love, I love the thrust.

"A Moscow judge handed down stiff prison sentences of two years on Friday afternoon for three young women who staged a protest against Vladimir V. Putin in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior last February and whose jailing and trial on hooliganism charges have generated worldwide criticism of constraints on political speech in Russia."
- DAVID M. HERSZENHORN, The New York Times, Published: August 17, 2012

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Friday, March 18, 2011

Modern Excommunication [Today's News Poem, March 18, 2011]

Modern Excommunication [Today's News Poem, March 18, 2011]

To: You
From: Me
Re: Unemployment
Body: You cannot imagine beyond it;
You're drawn to the certainties—drawn to yourself,
Aching for service to self, yet you're servant:
Obsequious, fearful of fates worse than death.
Riding the bus, there's perfume; the aroma
Of leather and gym is a blessing. The stench
Derelicts emanate gives you the courage
To guzzle your coffee obsessed with the trifles
Ownership offers. Though briefly you worry
While watching Japan in the news, of disaster,
Nothing has happened and nothing will happen
That hasn't occurred, for nothing remains to be taken.

"Part of the answer may be that while those who are unemployed tend to stay unemployed, those who still have jobs are feeling more secure than they did a couple of years ago. "
—PAUL KRUGMAN, The New York Times, Published: March 17, 2011

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