“In the flash mob on Saturday, groups of teenagers were chanting “black boys” and “burn the city,” bystanders said.”
--Ian Urbina, The New York Times, March 24, 2010
“1. Sprint poised to launch first Mobile WiMAX handset… 2. … but rivals hit back with a raft of LTE deals 4. More spectrum, less regulation 5. Mobile healthcare the key market opportunity...”
-John Levett, Juniper Research, Thu, 25 Mar 2010 18:33:56 GMT,1221809.shtml
“Black boys burn the city.”
Smartphones film the riots.
News reprints the ditty:
Headlines call for quiet.
'Bums demand a handout,'
Brownshirts say with rifles.
Teabag goons expand doubt:
Killing foes for trifles.
Bandwidth! Give me rapid
Rates of transfer: faster
Forms of ever vapid,
Self-induced disaster.