Chase that balloon; chase is our fullness,
Lifting us near red in the blueness.
Buoyant, the winds blow us together;
Higher than gulls, carousels, popcorn.
Neon and waves clash on the beaches;
Thrilled with chase, tugging at people.
Only the chase offers completion.
Boardwalk desire: lap up the candy
Sold by the cone, pink like arousal.
Escalate, cast darts for a trophy,
Aim for the fixed center, for winning
Isn't the goal: chase is our fullness.
"Representative Chris Lee of New York, caught in the midst of a scandal involving a shirtless photo he reportedly e-mailed to a woman, has stepped down, according to a senior Congressional official. "
—RAYMOND HERNANDEZ, The New York Times, February 9, 2011, 6:15 pm
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