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Friday, March 12, 2010

Announcements, etc.

Also, lots of you are new. Don't forget to subscribe, or bookmark Toylit before you forget to do so. Lots of archives as well, just scroll to the bottom of the page and there should be a next page button around there on the center right.

Thanks for reading, tell your friends and if you want to submit something to Toylit, my contact information is on this page.

You're running out of time to get your own hard-copy of All the News That's Shit, in Print; First Edition. I'm trying to wrap up the End of Feb Edition of Toylit tonight. I'll give you an alert before I pull old versions from the shelves. Thanks to everybody who purchased a copy of the first edition. Hopefully it will appreciate and I'll be able to return the favor.

Also, feigned or real appreciation for sponsors will mean bonus poems tonight. That's not true, I'll probably write a bonus poem anyhow.

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Stimulation Simulation [News Poem (Sonnet) March 12, 2010]

Stimulation Simulation [News Poem (Sonnet) March 12, 2010]

“Two suicide bombers killed 43 people in near-simultaneous blasts Friday, the fourth major attack in Pakistan this week and a clear sign that militants have the power to strike targets despite months of army offensives and U.S. missile strikes.”
-BABAR DOGAR and TIM SULLIVAN (AP) – 1 hour ago as of 12:43pm PST, March 12, 2010

The simulated life has everything
But extra lives, a pause, a game-save point.
Command and conquer: take to drone-craft wing,
Or watch a thousand penises anoint
The one who was your soul-mate in past lives.
Debasing love and murder, playing games
With actresses and aircraft—what survives
Of awe, revulsion, beauty? Playing maims
When done like this: we have no sympathy
To spare—we weep in fraction, actor's tears,
And dole, in millionths, faithless empathy
To those we've trapped in mechanistic gears—
Until you see a man with tear-dried eyes
Explode his vest: then everybody cries.

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In the middle of writing the News Poem right now.

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