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Showing posts with label April 17 2010. Show all posts
Showing posts with label April 17 2010. Show all posts

Saturday, April 17, 2010

#HowToBeAnnoying ? [Bonus Twitter Found Poem April 17, 2010]

#HowToBeAnnoying ? [Bonus Twitter Found Poem April 17, 2010]

Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
maxseltenrich urbanstopNIQUE luvmykel1 theTRENDNGtopic dabarbiemrs_247 Rebecca1440 offsetshawty32 SheLiccdMyTatts righteousbush GaryJBusey 2khicks RantInFminor supercahoots iGotHaters318

Ask Sumbody With 1 Leg To Race
a HOT parapalegic chick
Many of our people don't give a f..k about what our ancestors
had to go through. That's f..k.d up!

#WhatIf a parapalegic entered a kick ball contest ?
All Sumbody With 1 Leg
Sumbody parapalegic
talk about is depressing shit
tweet me a barbillion fucking times when I didn't reply
the first time for a reason ! Smh people need to take hints .

#HowToBeAnnoying ?
#HowToBe #VotedMostLikely to be killed by angry twitterers?
tweet me a barbillion fucking times
about thoughts of crazy positions I could put those legs in.

Would U rather have no knees or no elbows?
Would U rather have PUNCH U IN THE FACE!LOL ?
talk about depressing shit …at your own risk
Twitter is not your diary.nobody gives a hoot
WTF u mocked, then raped today

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Manifesto of a Militant Vegan Bio-Engineer [Today's News Poem (Sonnet), April 17, 2010]

Manifesto of a Militant Vegan Bio-Engineer [Today's News Poem, April 17, 2010]
“Pet activists from Austin to Corpus Christi and Victoria launched recently an emotion-charged campaign. They bombarded local politicians, animal shelter leaders, the newspaper and others with calls to ban the gassing of unwanted pets.”
– GABE SEMENZA, Victoria Advocate, April 17, 2010 at 2:15 p.m.
“Hundreds of dead animals have been found at a home in Marion County and another 400 live animals have been rescued”
– Victoria Benchimol, ABC Action News 1:32 pm April 17, 2010

Perpetual, the holocaust consumes
The lives of zebrafish, of cats in labs!
The monster made of claw and teeth assumes
That tender tendons, hair and muscle-slabs
Enjoy the murder. Meat is murderous:
The eating—true—but flesh will kill in kind.
Since eating's cycle's just too barbarous—
Because we love all life, we'll have to find
A way to replicate the paragons
Of living with sustainability:
The trees and other plants that drink the dawn
And photosynthesize with no hostility.
To always mate (like trees): what joy we'd bring!
To worship fire, first burn-up everything.

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Wish me happy bad luck from now on [Twitter Found Poem, April 17, 2010]

Wish me happy bad luck from now on [Twitter Found Poem, April 17, 2010]
Twitter Tweets+Edits= #twitterfoundpoem
4shad0w YourAncestor Jealous1zEnV cartiertone Daisylovesjoej @EmilyOsment @DugyFresh @DJPaulyD @djknucklehead @deleasakathleen Army_Regime @EricDeanSeaton i_luv_ya_JB Jayygasm BenHusch sammatterface Artistikk ZodiacFacts DraconianMogwai EnglishBob84 kifrubards turnaround4life Wykrzyknik FreakyFact a2ztechnews simplynatasha

lies and deceptions
will be exposed in
the name
Of all that's
Justin Bieber

Tammy Etheridge's artificial penis broke off
inside Melissa during sex ?
lying inside of her after sex ?

stop the hate...
#Scorpios can easily differentiate between false emotions and true ones.
A #Virgo male loves criticizing people for their faults but he is blind to his own faults.
The Zodiac Killer was never caught.

in the name
Of all that's
Justin Bieber
i command
The Zodiac Killer
to put us in recovery
mode without the use of
Hot Celebrity News .
bad luck starts from now on
The Zodiac Killer was never caught.

I pray to false prophets, that lies and deceptions
will be exposed in Justin Bieber name.
& Wish me happy bad luck from now on

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