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Showing posts with label joygreenmcgann. Show all posts
Showing posts with label joygreenmcgann. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Found Poem on Twitter:

the newest member of the team:
Tofu dog.
& I
take a simple view of life: keep your eyes open.

the weirdness or the hunting
the colors of sea and sky—
souls across the planet
lost miserably.

I apparently know NOTHING about football,
porn, the 90's or stuff...
I'm hungry.
Just got home from class.
Im gonna F*ck your mom.

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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Found Poem on Twitter:

Twitter is America's rectal thermometer.
it's just a kiss away.....kiss away....kiss away....
ahh and of course Haiti in June...
I thought everyone was asleep.
sun gone. moon gone..stars gone.

Rome wasn't built in a day.
ahh and of course Haiti in June...
shoot me the email
shoot me the email
Something is wrong with you.

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