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Showing posts with label psyops. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psyops. Show all posts

Friday, February 10, 2012

Papier Mâché Jihad [Tweets+Edits=#twitterfoundpoem, February 10, 2012]

Papier Mâché Jihad [Tweets+Edits=#twitterfoundpoem, February 10, 2012]

I tend to overthink so I'm not going to settle
for just any path of God while seeking the truth. I want a paranoid
schizophrenic Jihad.
Don't be real. Be a paranoid schizophrenic.
it leads to doubt. Which lessens my faith, Which lessens my lessons,
Which causes paranoid schizophrenic Out of nowhere lessons.

Dear God, I want a paranoid God.
Jihad, I want a paranoid Fear God.
God, I want a paranoid God Jihad.
Fear honesty. Fear illusion. Get over illusion.
If you are not your thoughts,
If you are not getting better then what are you doing?
If your thoughts are not getting better then what are you doing?
Lessons of the Out of nowhere schizophrenic God.
instead of papier mâché Jesus, the Out of nowhere schizophrenic

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Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Tinfoil Versus Psy-Ops [Twitter Found Poem, June 29, 2010]

Tinfoil Versus Psy-Ops [Twitter Found Poem, June 29, 2010]

hopefulli the STARS wiLL stay in place
and I can just leave the tinfoil skullcap
At home. a tinfoil skullcap can soothe agitated
nervous systems, reduce mental chatter
and help you get some sleep.
I can't wait to watch riots.

the police started the violent riots.
Possible Black Psy-Ops are shooting stars
OUT Of the sky with the remote missile launch.
Black Psy-Ops are auto-dismissing
confidence, skill, physical power and practice time
with patriotism in the water.
Psy-Ops are auto-dismissing mental systems
and put nervous chatter on tv in its place.

When I take off the tinfoil weave or any type of tinfoil extention
At home and watch tv I see I launch a missile,
shooting stars OUT Of the sky.
I see I launch violent riots with the police.
Black police Psy-Ops on tv,
slaps me with house arrest
and take away My tinfoil skullcap,
rendering me helpless.

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